Vad är det ni läser, egentligen?

Det har frågats mycket efter vad det är vi läser för kurser egentligen. Så håll tillgodo nu, kursinnehåll på de fyra kurserna vi läser härnere...


The key emphasis in this module is to prepare the student for the global marketplace. This course will therefore cover the various forms of direct financial compensation (wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses and stocks), and indirect financial compensation (benefits) that are available in Singapore and in the global cities of the world. Forms of non-financial compensation (such as flexible work conditions, telecommuting), compensation surveys, cost of living, basket of goods, cost of living allowances and pay parity will be discussed. Job evaluation methods to determine the "value" of the job and position will be taught to prepare students with the necessary skills on job evaluation and fair compensation. Types of pay (performance, merit, variable, skill-based and competency-based, etc.) will be compared. The tax advantages in various countries of employment shall be considered in the computation of compensation and benefits.

Det här är den enda kursen vi inte skriver sluttenta i, däremot är det mkt som ska förberedas inför varje lektion. Gör vårt grupparbete tillsammans med två holländska tjejer.


The course introduces the basic concepts of human resource (HR), with an overview of the cluster of HR activities and the inter-likages. The evolution of human resource to its present state of human resource consulting and human capital management will be dicussed. It will also help students link business strategy to human resource strategy, and learn how the human resource cluster of activities can be deployed at the planning and implementation level. The course integrates human resource components and human resource technology with training in Human Resource Information System and other HR tools and techniques. Various pedagogical devices will be used in the class and project work. Students will be examined based on a battery of tests conducted in the assessment centre.

Det är är den enda kursen där vi gör våra gruppövningar med inhemska studenter. Två killar från Singapore. Studenterna här nere pluggar verkligen dygnet runt...

The objective of this course is to provide business and accounting students with a broad understanding of all the important financial principles, concepts and analytical tools. This is a first course in finance and is compulsory for all business and accounting students. It is essential for all business and accounting graduates to have a good understanding of the various financial aspects of a corporation. They include the understanding and analysis of financial statements, fundamental concepts such as the time value of money, risk and return, corporate financing choices and investment analysis, and financial risk management. After taking this course, students will be well prepared for other advanced courses in finance such as Advanced Corporate Finance, Equity Securities, Fixed Income Securities, Derivatives Securities, and International Financial Management.

Den här kursen läser vi ihop med två supersmarta killar från Schweiz. Mycket att göra, har aldrig varit med om något liknande i Sverige vad gäller uppgifter till en enda kurs.


As business problems become more complex, managers need to approach decision making within an organised framework. This course introduces students to the basic tools in using decision models to make informed management decisions. The focus of the course will be on model building and analysis. The use of computer based solution tools will be emphasized throughout the course. Students will be expected to structure business problems as decision models, solve models using the prescribed software and interpret the computer-generated solutions. Topics covered in the course include decision making under uncertainty and risk for a single decision maker; competitive decision making and negotiations; optimization techniques using linear and non-linear programming models; forecasting techniques; waiting line management; applications in business processes design and analysis and inventory control; simulation techniques for making complex management decisions. Computer spreadsheet exercises, cases, and examples drawn from accounting, marketing, finance, operations management, and other management functions will be widely used in the discussion. A group project is designed for students to apply the decision tools discussed in the course to a real life business problem.

Den här kursen läser vi också tillsammans med det två killarna från Schweiz. Det här är den kurs vi tycker minst om, bara massa exceluppgifter. Usch och blä!

Här nedan kommer lite bilder från en vanlig skoldag, Compensation & Benefits stod på schemat...

Bild 1: All dressed up and ready for school
Bild 2: Träffade en tjusig Martin på väg till skolan, han skulle ha en presentation
Bild 3: Kaffepaus, beundrar det dina vädret som vi haft nu i några veckor
Bild 4: Vår professor Hesan A Quazi
Bild 5: Annelie och Henrik lyssnar noga på vad han har att säga
Bild 6: Asiatiska klasskamrater
Bild 7: Jag och Lotte från Holland
Bild 8: Annelie flitigt studerande

Här fick ni alltså ett litet smakprov av vår vardag och skolgång. Enjoy!


Postat av: Micke

Äntligen! Det här jag har sett fram emot, lite bilder från hur ni har det "vardagligt". Kul att se! Gumman, du är världens sötaste när du koncentrerar dig! Fina gardiner har ni fått också ser jag ;). kiss

2008-09-05 @ 20:05:31
Postat av: Sandra Andersson

Heeej bjutiful Anna! Hoppas ni har det kanon, men fy vad mycket ni har att plugga!! Här vräker ösregnet ner och jag pimplar te som tusan och är lite bakis efter After Work igår ;)! Många kramar till dig!

2008-09-06 @ 11:48:12

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